We can be your long-term partner!
Do any of the following statements resonate?
You can benefit by having an extra voice in the room.
There are some things that are important, but maybe not in your immediate wheel-house.
You may need a consistent pressure to implement a change that you do not have time or maybe the expertise to drive personally.
These are common reasons to engage in a retainer type agreement with B2. Our retainer service can be used to provide expert guidance in specific areas in a consistent way. As of 2024, we offer this service in the following categories:
Agile Transformation - follow a best-in-class roadmap and agile approach to make your operational culture more responsive and effective. Move toward an agile mindset for initiating, funding, and tracking changes to your core business and operational products. Coach the key leaders and address concerns from noteworthy detractors of the necessary cultural change.
Change Management - leverage an industry standard strategy to achieve the results desired from your strategic projects. Ensure impacted personnel are able to become advocates for the changes. Oversee poling and other methods to take the pulse of impacted organizations along the journey and recommend/drive necessary actions.
Executive Steering Committee - we have executive level IT consultants with backgrounds that can be useful for decision support for executive steering committees. From vendor selection, platform comparisons, management and cultural sensitivity issues, to operational process considerations, we can give perspectives, run down options, generate considerations summaries, or provide 1:1 consultations in the context of making the right strategic decisions. Let us apply the lessons learned over the years in strategic solution delivery to your situation and provide a point of view that may improve the chance of success and reduce risks.
This offering is perfect for the senior executive that understands value is achieved through the proper application of expertise, not just through brute outlay of resources. We have staff consultants with decades of experience and a network of external consultants that may be a perfect fit for your situation.
A personal note from our founder, Blake Brownlee:
“I want to support your needs and be that trusted partner that you deserve. I will earn your trust, and apply positive pressure toward achieving the right outcomes. Will you give B2 a try?”